Our mission is to serve our customers with world class products. However, we are also committed to maintaining ethically responsible business practices and we continuously look for opportunities to make improvements. Regarding that, at request of Nestle, we have been audited by SMETA. This audit procedure is a compilation of good practice in ethical audit technique. We are happy to announce that we have been audited, on 02 November by SGS Beograd Ltd. and that the company has no pending non-compliances and therefore comply with the Nestle Responsible Sourcing Audit program. SMETA methodology uses ETI code and local law as the measurement tool. It includes: health and safety, labour standards, environment, business ethics. The audit scope was against 4 auditing pillars and it comprises the following modules:
- ETI Base Code
- SMETA Additions: universal rights covering UNGP, management systems and code implementation, responsible recruitment, entitlement to work & immigration, sub-contracting and home working.
- Additional Pillar assessment of Environment
- Additional Pillar assessment of Business Ethics
- he Customer's Supplier Code.
Everything is directed towards managing the risk of harm or unfair treatment at the workplace, protecting employees in all areas and eliminating and reducing bad environmental impacts.